At Crawford Primary School, we aim to foster a genuine love for language and the written word among all children. Through a text-based approach, we endeavour to make meaningful connections across the curriculum, highlighting the relevance and importance of writing in everyday life. We strive to nurture children's perception of themselves as real writers, finding joy and interest in the writing process. Our overarching intention is for children to communicate effectively for various purposes and audiences, equipping them with oracy skills that support their writing development. We aim to instil confidence in expressing ideas and opinions and writing narratives while developing a solid foundation in grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting.
Our approach emphasises a holistic view of writing, where children are immersed in meaningful texts and authentic writing tasks across all subjects. Teachers employ various strategies to engage students, including modelled writing, shared writing and guided writing. Additionally, independent writing and peer collaboration opportunities are integrated into lessons to promote creativity and collaboration.
Grammar and punctuation are taught systematically in literacy lessons, either as standalone sessions or seamlessly integrated into writing activities. Teachers introduce new concepts using high-quality resources and interactive activities, ensuring that learning is scaffolded and accessible to all learners. Furthermore, grammar and punctuation lessons are differentiated to meet students' diverse needs, providing targeted support and extension activities where necessary.

Spelling is essential to our writing curriculum as we recognise the importance of accurate spelling in effective communication. We follow a structured approach to teaching spelling, incorporating explicit instruction, various activities and regular practice opportunities. In Year 2, we implement the Little Wandle Spelling programme, which builds upon phonics learning and supports children in mastering the alphabetic code. In KS2, we follow the No Nonsense Spelling scheme, focusing on spelling patterns, rules and strategies to enhance students' spelling proficiency.
Handwriting is taught regularly to ensure children develop fluent and legible handwriting skills. Teachers model correct letter formation and joining techniques, provide guided practice and feedback, and support students in developing good handwriting habits. Regular handwriting sessions are incorporated into the school day, allowing children to refine their handwriting skills and take pride in their presentation.
The impact of our writing curriculum encompasses various aspects of teaching, learning and children's outcomes. Through regular monitoring and evaluation processes, including learning walks, book scrutinies and discussions with staff, we assess pupil outcomes and gather evidence of progress and attainment.
Assessment of children's knowledge and understanding of grammatical vocabulary and rules is done through formative and summative assessments, including assessment papers and moderation activities. By analysing student work and engaging in professional dialogue, teachers identify areas of strength and areas for development, which inform further planning and individual support. ​
Through collaborative planning sessions, staff meetings and professional development opportunities, good practice is shared among staff. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and shared expertise, we ensure that teaching practices are informed by research and evidence-based strategies.
Through ongoing marking and feedback, teachers clearly guide students on how to improve their writing and identify clear next steps based on individual needs and learning objectives. Additionally, teacher assessment of writing using independently written pieces provides valuable insights into students' application of national curriculum skills and understanding.
Monitoring progress from year to year allows us to track students' development and ensure that they remain 'on track' from their starting point. By setting high expectations and providing targeted support, we strive to maximise each child's potential and foster a lifelong love for writing and communication. Ultimately, the impact of our writing curriculum is evident in students' confidence, creativity and ability to communicate effectively across a range of contexts and audiences.