At Crawford Primary School, we strive to develop children’s natural curiosity about the world and encourage them to develop their understanding through discussion and questioning. We allow children to explore using a range of scientific skills such as: asking questions and making predictions, observing and measuring, recording data, interpreting and evaluating results. Through practical scientific investigation, children can nurture their passion for science while developing their scientific skills. We provide opportunities for all children to progress in science through carefully scaffolded experiences. We encourage that sense of wonder about the world around us through class trips and invited guests. We aim to develop a child’s curiosity, encourage respect for all living things and a greater understanding of how and why processes occur.
Crawford use the Developing Experts scheme of work, which is matched to the National Curriculum.
Where appropriate, science topics are sequenced to deepen children’s understanding of their overall topic they are studying that term and vice versa. For example, in Year 2 children study materials in science, which supports them in their understanding of the Great Fire of London. In this way, children can apply their scientific knowledge and skills.
Children are taught the foundations of physics, biology and chemistry under the umbrella term of “science” and are taught to think and work scientifically. Class activities are designed to encourage questioning, develop understanding and use of scientific vocabulary and promote practical science and investigative skills within a framework of what is expected in each year group.
Children learn and use accurate scientific vocabulary through the ‘rocket words’ taught and revisited in each lesson.
Children learn how to conduct different types of scientific enquiry and understand how to apply these effectively to different scientific questions. Children use and apply skills that they have learnt, refine methods and draw suitable conclusions from the results they have observed and recorded. Crawford participates in an annual STEM week and with whole school activities planned around a different theme in each week.

Assessment is ongoing and formative with summative assessment taking place termly. Learning about the plethora of career options linked to science - for girls and boys - allows children to dream big and reach their potential. Using scientific language, they discuss topics and explain how to use the scientific method to investigate. Drawing conclusions from data (graphs and tables which students sometimes construct), allows for opportunities to notice patterns and design further investigations based on results. Teamwork is fostered during group work challenges and communication skills also developed during these rich tasks. Children’s’ engagement and dedication to science ensures they will be lifelong learners, who understand the world around them and allow them to make positive contributions to the planet.