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Doodle Learning: Supporting Your Child’s Learning Journey 


Doodle Learning is an engaging website and app designed to help children practise key skills and consolidate their learning. It tailors activities to meet the needs of each child, providing fun, interactive tasks that adapt to their progress. If a child finds a particular question tricky or doesn’t understand it, they can add it to their 'Tricky Questions' box to revisit later with adult support. 


Children are rewarded for their effort and achievements, earning stars for correct answers. They can review and reattempt any questions they get wrong, helping to build confidence and understanding. Each child has a weekly 'star target' based on their age. To promote effective learning habits and a healthy approach to screen time, children are encouraged to play regularly for shorter periods rather than trying to achieve their star target in one go. Reaching their weekly target moves them into the 'green zone', which is celebrated in class. 

Using Doodle at School and Home 


Doodle is an integral part of both classroom and home learning. Teachers can set assignments to reinforce what children have been learning in class or to assess prior knowledge before starting a new topic. 


In Year 1, children will begin using Doodle Maths and Doodle Spell at home and in school.  


In Years 2 to 5, children will receive three weekly assignments for homework: one each for Doodle Maths, English, and Spell. These are set every Friday and should be completed by the following Friday. To support this, children will have an opportunity to complete their work with adult assistance in ICT club twice a week. 


To maximise the benefits of Doodle Learning, we recommend that parents encourage their children to use the app for around 10–15 minutes a day. This "little and often" approach has been shown to significantly improve learning outcomes while promoting a healthy balance with screen time. It's important to avoid long, uninterrupted sessions, as shorter bursts of focused activity are more effective and help children retain information better. Setting a consistent routine, such as using Doodle after school or as part of homework time, can make it easier to build good habits. By keeping screen time manageable and purposeful, children can develop a positive attitude towards learning while maintaining a healthy balance with other activities. 


If your child is unable to access the internet at home, please inform their class teacher so that arrangements can be made for them to complete their three sessions per week at school. 

Celebrating Effort and Success 


In addition to completing assignments, children can explore Doodle freely, earning stars and building their 'Doodle Streak.' Streaks and achievements are celebrated in our weekly Celebration Assembly. 


Parent Involvement 


Linking your parent email to your child’s school account is quick and easy. By doing so, you can monitor your child’s progress through the free DoodleConnect app or Parent Dashboard. This ensures you get the most out of their Doodle subscription. 


Your child’s Doodle login details can be found inside their reading record. If you have any questions or need support, please speak to your child’s class teacher, who will be happy to help. 

Atom learning 

In year 6, children complete homework on Atom Learning. We have chosen to use Atom learning in Year 6 as it supports them with exam preparation and 11+ prep.  


To begin with, they complete a baseline assessment to identify their strengths and areas of development. Children are set weekly homework on Atom learning by their class teacher – focusing on topics they have covered that week in class or need to revise. This allows teachers to see strengths and areas of development for each child and for the class as a whole.  


Atom Learning helps pupils succeed in English, maths and science, as well as verbal and non-verbal reasoning. It supports pupils to prepare for examinations and allows them to become familiar with test style questions. 


Each parent in Year 6 receives an email with their child’s login details followed by a secure link to create their Atom School parent/guardian account. Parents and carers can log in to see how their child is doing and track their progress. 

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