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At Crawford, we’re passionate about creating a vibrant, inclusive and nurturing learning environment where children can truly flourish! Our  experienced and dedicated teachers team up to craft dynamic curricula that not only inspire, but also challenge our amazing students to reach new heights!


Get ready for an exciting and informative Parent Tour! Come explore our vibrant classrooms and discover all the amazing things our school has to offer. 


Parent tours are currently closed until further notice. Please check back later for updates or contact our office for more information.


If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, you can apply to join one of our nursery classes from January 2025


If your child was born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022, you can apply to join one of our nursery classes for September 2025


We can offer Full or Part-Time places. Applications can be made by filling in the form below.


Nursery Application Form



If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, you can apply to join one of our Reception classes to start in September 2025.


You must apply through the local authority in which you live through the e-admissions portal.  If you want support in filling this in, please contact us.


As the local authority manages our admissions process, please refer to the local authority to find out about our school’s admission and appeal arrangements. 


eAdmissions portal

Southwark Primary School Appeals


If you are moving to this area or would like to change your child’s school, this is called an ‘In Year Admission’.


If you need to complete an in-year application, you must contact the local authority that you are resident in.


As the local authority manages our admissions process,  please refer to the local authority to find out about our school’s admission and appeal arrangements. 


In-Year Application Form - Lambeth

In-Year Application Form - Southwark

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